KIDS’ YOGA DAY Official Yoga Pose Instructions

Just 5 Minutes a Day:  The following are simple yoga pose instructions on how to do the poses featured in the official routines of Annual Kids’ Yoga Day!  Use these routines with your little yogis and follow along with tens of thousands of children all over the world on Kids’ Yoga Day on Friday, April 4th, 2025.  

Yoga pose instructions for each of our six routines:

  • We realize that you may have room to spread out (like at a yoga studio), so Routine #1 features sitting and standing poses. But, those in classrooms may be short on space, which is why we’ve created Routine #2, which features poses that can be done while standing.
  • Are you interested in hosting a longer event on Kids’ Yoga Day but need some suggestions? Check out our two extended routines; a 30-minute routine and a 45-minute routine, featuring the poses plus game and activity ideas.
  • New in 2023 is an adaptive routine, with modifications so that each pose can be done standing or seated.
  • Finally, you may interested in this special routine just for pre-teens and teenagers who are looking for something a little more challenging!

By participating in Kids’ Yoga Day, kids experience first-hand how good they can feel, both physically and mentally, from just five minutes of yoga. 

Kids’ Yoga Day 5-Minute Routine

This sequence is designed for kids practicing at home, in a yoga studio, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient.

Start with CANDLE POSE, taking several deep breaths in and out through the nose. After this, kids can flow from one pose to the next, holding each posture for around 20 seconds before moving on. For FLAMINGO and TREE, have kids practice these poses on both sides of their body.

Remember to breathe in and out through your nose while practicing yoga. Focusing on the breath can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. End with DO NOTHING POSE; close your eyes and stay still for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits of the previous postures.

CANDLE. Kneel on the floor and bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose to center yourself and to transition into your yoga practice.

COW.  Beginning on all fours, inhale and arch your back, then exhale and round your spine, trying to pull your chin to your throat.  Repeat this move several times to begin to warm up your spine.

DOG.  Start on your hands and knees, and then straighten your legs and lift your hips. Look down towards your toes, as you breathe in and out through your nose.

TREE. This is another balancing pose, and like FLAMINGO it improves your focus and concentration. Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

COBRA.  Lie on your stomach, and bend your elbows close to your side. Then lift your chest up, keeping your legs straight behind you.

ROCKING HORSE. Lie on your stomach, like in COBRA, then bend both of your knees. Grab hold of your ankles and lift your body off the ground.

MOUSE.  Sit back on your heels, and then gently put your head on the floor, folding your upper body down on the ground. With your arms by your side, take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose.

PRETZEL.  Sit cross legged, and then reach one hand across your body and rest it on your knee. Stretch the other hand behind you as you turn your head and gently twist across your body.

DO NOTHING POSE. Close your eyes, as you rest on your back with your arms along your side and palms facing the ceiling. Stay in this resting position for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active poses.

Kids’ Yoga Day 5-Minute Routine
STANDING poses only

Containing only standing postures, this sequence is ideal for classrooms, as kids don’t need a yoga mat and they can do the poses next to their desks.

Start with QUEEN POSE, taking several deep breaths in and out through the nose. After this, kids can flow from one pose to the next, holding each posture for around 20 seconds before moving on. For KITE, WINDMILL, FLAMINGO and TREE, have kids practice these poses on both sides of their body.

Remember to breathe in and out through your nose while practicing yoga. Focusing on the breath can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. End with EASY POSE or have kids sit at their desks with their hands in their lap and their palms facing upward; have them close their eyes and stay still for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits of the previous postures.

QUEEN.  Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms alongside your body, with your palms facing outward.  Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before moving on.

KITE.  Begin by standing tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your palms together as you raise your arms in the air.  First stretch your arms to the right, taking several deep breaths in and out through your nose.  Then, come back to center and gently stretch your arms to the left.

WATERFALL.  Stand tall, and raise your arms up in the air. Look towards your fingertips, as you gently reach your head and arms back behind you. Extend back only as far as you can comfortably go.

RAGDOLL.  From standing, fold your body forward with your hands dangling down. Keep a slight bend to your knees, and use your core to support your lower back in this forward fold.

WINDMILL.  Stand with your legs slightly bent and your feet wide apart. Bring one hand down to the ground, and the other up in the air. Look gently up towards your extended arm. Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

Y POSE. Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms up in the air and slightly out to the side, forming the letter Y with your body. Focus your eyes straight ahead, as you breathe deeply in and out through your nose.

CHAIR.  Stand tall and inhale as you raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

FLAMINGO.  Stand tall and then gently bend one leg, holding onto your knee. Try to balance while focusing your eyes straight ahead on a single spot.  Take at least 5 deep breathes in and out through your nose before switching sides.

TREE. This is another balancing pose, and like FLAMINGO it improves your focus and concentration. Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

EASY POSE. Sit cross legged, with your back straight and your palms gently resting on your knees.  Gently close your eyes, and focus on breathing in and out through your nose for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active postures.

Kids’ Yoga Day 30-Minute Routine

This sequence is designed for kids practicing at home, in a yoga studio, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient. This 30-minute routine is divided into warm up poses, standing poses and a game, floor poses plus cool down poses. If you’re interested in using the songs referenced in the routine, they are available for purchase here!

Warm-up poses

CANDLE. Kneel on the floor and bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose to center yourself and to transition into your yoga practice.

CAT. Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Slowly stretch back one leg, like a cat’s tail. Take some deep breaths in and out through your nose, and then switch sides by straightening your opposite leg, keeping the other one bent on the floor. You can even say “Meow,” like a cat while doing this gentle yoga pose which lengthens your spine.

COW.  Beginning on all fours, inhale and arch your back, then exhale and round your spine, trying to pull your chin to your throat.  Repeat this move several times to begin to warm up your spine.

DOG.  Start on your hands and knees, and then straighten your legs and lift your hips. Look down towards your toes, as you breathe in and out through your nose.

MOUSE.  Sit back on your heels, and then gently put your head on the floor, folding your upper body down on the ground. With your arms by your side, take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose.

EASY POSE. Sit cross legged, with your back straight and your palms gently resting on your knees.  Gently close your eyes, and focus on breathing in and out through your nose for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active postures.

Standing poses

ELEPHANT.  Start by standing up tall.  Next fold forward and interlace your hands, as you slowly swing your arms from side to side. This pose stretches the legs and hamstrings.


KITE.  Begin by standing tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your palms together as you raise your arms in the air.  First stretch your arms to the right, taking several deep breaths in and out through your nose.  Then, come back to center and gently stretch your arms to the left.

WATERFALL.  Stand tall, and raise your arms up in the air. Look towards your fingertips, as you gently reach your head and arms back behind you. Extend back only as far as you can comfortably go.

QUEEN.  Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms alongside your body, with your palms facing outward.  Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before moving on.

CHAIR.  Stand tall and inhale as you raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

EAGLE.  Stand tall as you transfer your weight to your left foot. Next bend your knees and lift your right foot off the floor as you hook your right foot around your left calf. Slowly cross your left arm over the right, hooking at your elbows. With your arms hooked, draw your forearms together and wrap your right palm around your left palm, crossing at the wrists. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 breaths before switching sides. This pose strengthens your calves, ankles, thighs, and hips.

TRIANGLE. Step your feet wide apart to start.  Then point the toes of one foot out to the side, as you lift your top arm in the air. Reach the other arm down toward your shin. Breathe in and out through your nose for several breaths before switching sides. This posture strengthens your core and legs.

TREE. This is another balancing pose, and like FLAMINGO it improves your focus and concentration. Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

Floor poses

COBRA.  Lie on your stomach, and bend your elbows close to your side. Then lift your chest up, keeping your legs straight behind you.

SHARK.  Lie on your belly with your legs straight behind you. Slowly interlace your fingers and lift your arms and chest into the air.  This pose strengthens the low back.


AIRPLANE. Begin by lying on your belly with your arms outstretched to either side of your body. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale slowly lift your arms and legs off the floor. Pretend you are an airplane flying in the sky.

ROCKING HORSE. Lie on your stomach, like in COBRA, then bend both of your knees. Grab hold of your ankles and lift your body off the ground.

Wind down poses

BOAT.  Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Next bend your knees and bring them off the floor as you bring your arms alongside your body. Pretend you are a sturdy boat as you hold this posture for the count of eight. This yoga posture strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the leg and arm muscles.

BRIDGE. Begin by lying on your back. Next bend your knees and lift your hips up high, while keeping your arms straight underneath you with your palms facing the floor. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose in this simple back bend pose, before slowly bringing your hips back down to the floor.

WINDSHIELD WIPER. Start by lying down. Bring your knees to your chest and hold onto your legs. Next, slowly roll gently from side to side, just like a windshield wiper when it’s raining outside. This yoga posture helps unwind the spine, as it gently stretches the back and glutes.

DO NOTHING POSE. Close your eyes, as you rest on your back with your arms along your side and palms facing the ceiling. Stay in this resting position for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active poses.

Kids’ Yoga Day 45-Minute Routine

This sequence is designed for kids practicing at home, in a yoga studio, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient. This 45-minute routine is divided into warm up, standing, floor  and cool down poses. If you’re interested in using the songs referenced in the routine, they are available for purchase here!

Warm-up poses

CANDLE. Kneel on the floor and bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose to center yourself and to transition into your yoga practice.

CAT. Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Slowly stretch back one leg, like a cat’s tail. Take some deep breaths in and out through your nose, and then switch sides by straightening your opposite leg, keeping the other one bent on the floor. You can even say “Meow,” like a cat while doing this gentle yoga pose which lengthens your spine.

COW.  Beginning on all fours, inhale and arch your back, then exhale and round your spine, trying to pull your chin to your throat.  Repeat this move several times to begin to warm up your spine.

GATE. Start on all fours, bending one leg and extending the other one. Keep your front arm straight and bring your opposite arm up in the air. Take some deep breaths in and out of your nose in this balancing pose, before switching sides. 

DOLPHIN.  Begin on your hands and knees. Next lower your elbows to the floor directly beneath your shoulders. Tuck your toes and lift your knees off the floor. Then, gently begin to straighten your legs as you look at your feet. This pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, and arches while it opens the shoulders and chest.



DOG.  Start on your hands and knees, and then straighten your legs and lift your hips. Look down towards your toes, as you breathe in and out through your nose.

MOUSE.  Sit back on your heels, and then gently put your head on the floor, folding your upper body down on the ground. With your arms by your side, take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose.

EASY POSE. Sit cross legged, with your back straight and your palms gently resting on your knees.  Gently close your eyes, and focus on breathing in and out through your nose for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active postures.

Standing poses

KITE.  Begin by standing tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your palms together as you raise your arms in the air.  First stretch your arms to the right, taking several deep breaths in and out through your nose.  Then, come back to center and gently stretch your arms to the left.

WATERFALL.  Stand tall, and raise your arms up in the air. Look towards your fingertips, as you gently reach your head and arms back behind you. Extend back only as far as you can comfortably go.

QUEEN.  Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms alongside your body, with your palms facing outward.  Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before moving on.

CHAIR.  Stand tall and inhale as you raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

EAGLE.  Stand tall as you transfer your weight to your left foot. Next bend your knees and lift your right foot off the floor as you hook your right foot around your left calf. Slowly cross your left arm over the right, hooking at your elbows. With your arms hooked, draw your forearms together and wrap your right palm around your left palm, crossing at the wrists. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 breaths before switching sides. This pose strengthens your calves, ankles, thighs, and hips.

WARRIOR.  Stand tall with your feet wide apart and your arms extended parallel to the floor. Next point your front toes straight ahead and bend your front knee. Keep a steady gaze as you hold this powerful posture which stretches the hips, shoulders, and groin. Then slowly switch sides.

TRIANGLE. Step your feet wide apart to start.  Then point the toes of one foot out to the side, as you lift your top arm in the air. Reach the other arm down toward your shin. Breathe in and out through your nose for several breaths before switching sides. This posture strengthens your core and legs.

TREE. This is another balancing pose, and like FLAMINGO it improves your focus and concentration. Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

Floor poses

COBRA.  Lie on your stomach, and bend your elbows close to your side. Then lift your chest up, keeping your legs straight behind you.

SHARK.  Lie on your belly with your legs straight behind you. Slowly interlace your fingers and lift your arms and chest into the air.  This pose strengthens the low back.


Kids' Yoga Airplane PoseAIRPLANE. Begin by lying on your belly with your arms outstretched to either side of your body. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale slowly lift your arms and legs off the floor. Pretend you are an airplane flying in the sky.

ROCKING HORSE. Lie on your stomach, like in COBRA, then bend both of your knees. Grab hold of your ankles and lift your body off the ground.

Wind down poses

BOAT.  Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Next bend your knees and bring them off the floor as you bring your arms alongside your body. Pretend you are a sturdy boat as you hold this posture for the count of eight. This yoga posture strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the leg and arm muscles.

BRIDGE. Begin by lying on your back. Next bend your knees and lift your hips up high, while keeping your arms straight underneath you with your palms facing the floor. Take several deep breaths in and out through your nose in this simple back bend pose, before slowly bringing your hips back down to the floor.

WHEEL. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Next bend your elbows and bring the palms of your hands overhead, placing them underneath your shoulders with your fingertips pointing towards your feet. Inhale as you lift your shoulders and hips up off the floor. Straighten your arms as you lift your head off the floor, and begin to straighten your legs. To come down, tuck your chin into your chest and lower down slowly. This pose opens the chest and strengthens the arms, shoulders, and leg.

WINDSHIELD WIPER. Start by lying down. Bring your knees to your chest and hold onto your legs. Next, slowly roll gently from side to side, just like a windshield wiper when it’s raining outside. This yoga posture helps unwind the spine, as it gently stretches the back and glutes.

DO NOTHING POSE. Close your eyes, as you rest on your back with your arms along your side and palms facing the ceiling. Stay in this resting position for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active poses.

Kids’ Yoga Day 5-Minute Routine
Adaptive Sequence

English - Kids' Yoga Day Adaptive Routine Pose Instructions

This routine includes ten yoga poses that can be done either standing or seated. This sequence can be practiced anywhere; at home, in a yoga studio, in the classroom, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient. 

Start with QUEEN POSE, taking several deep breaths in and out through the nose. After this, kids can flow from one pose to the next, holding each posture for around 20 seconds before moving on. For KITE, WINDMILL, FLAMINGO and TREE, have kids practice these poses on both sides of their body.

Remember to breathe in and out through your nose while practicing yoga. Focusing on the breath can have a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. End with EASY POSE or have kids sit with their hands in their lap and their palms facing upward; have them close their eyes and stay still for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits of the previous postures.

Queen Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveQUEEN.  Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms alongside your body, with your palms facing outward.  Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before moving on.

QUEEN (SEATED).  Sit up straight in a chair with your back straight and feet planted firmly on the floor. Relax your arms by your side as you slowly take 5 deep breaths in and out of your nose.

Kite Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveKITE.  Begin by standing tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your palms together as you raise your arms in the air.  First stretch your arms to the right, taking several deep breaths in and out through your nose.  Then, come back to center and gently stretch your arms to the left.

KITE (SEATED).  Sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Bring your arms above your head with your palms together. Next gently stretch your arms to one side as you take 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose. Switch sides and hold for the count of 5.

Waterfall Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveWATERFALL.  Stand tall, and raise your arms up in the air. Look towards your fingertips, as you gently reach your head and arms back behind you. Extend back only as far as you can comfortably go.

WATERFALL (SEATED).  Sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Lift your arms and stretch them back and behind you, as far as you can comfortably go.

Rag Doll Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveRAG DOLL.  From standing, fold your body forward with your hands dangling down. Keep a slight bend to your knees, and use your core to support your lower back in this forward fold.

RAG DOLL (SEATED).  Sit towards the edge of a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Fold your body forward, bringing your head and arms towards the ground, like a limp rag doll.

Windmill Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveWINDMILL.  Stand with your legs slightly bent and your feet wide apart. Bring one hand down to the ground, and the other up in the air. Look gently up towards your extended arm. Take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

WINDMILL (SEATED).  Sit towards the edge of a chair with your feet hips width distance apart. Bring one arm up in the air and the other one towards the ground in between your feet. Slowly count to five before switching sides.

Y Pose Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveY POSE. Stand tall, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your arms up in the air and slightly out to the side, forming the letter Y with your body. Focus your eyes straight ahead, as you breathe deeply in and out through your nose

Y POSE (SEATED). Sit up straight in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Next bring your arms up in the air and out to the side, like the letter Y.

Chair Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveCHAIR.  Stand tall and inhale as you raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

CHAIR (SEATED).  Sit towards the edge of a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Begin to straighten your arms and bring them forward and parallel to one another. Hold this pose for the count of five.

Flamingo Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveFLAMINGO.  Stand tall and then gently bend one leg, holding onto your knee. Try to balance while focusing your eyes straight ahead on a single spot.  Take at least 5 deep breathes in and out through your nose before switching sides.

FLAMINGO (SEATED).  Sit up straight in a chair and interlace your fingers around one knee. Gently lift that leg off the ground, keeping your other leg firmly planted on the floor. Count slowly to five before switching sides.

Tree Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveTREE.  Stand tall, and then bend one leg and bring your foot to your thigh. Slowly bring your hands into prayer position; take at least 5 deep breaths in and out through your nose before switching sides.

TREE (SEATED).  Sit towards the edge of a chair as you bring one foot to the inside of your thigh. Next bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Slowly count to five before switching sides

Easy Kids' Yoga Pose - AdaptiveEASY POSE. Sit cross legged, with your back straight and your palms gently resting on your knees.  Gently close your eyes, and focus on breathing in and out through your nose for at least 60 seconds to gain all the benefits from the previous 9 active postures.

EASY POSE (SEATED).  Sit up straight in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Gently rest your arms on your knees in front of you, with your palms facing the ceiling. Close your eyes as you rest in this posture, reaping the benefits of all the previous poses you just did.

Kids’ Yoga Day 5-Minute Routine

This sequence is designed for older kids practicing at home, in a yoga studio, or other venue with room to spread out. There is no need to have a yoga mat; a beach towel or carpet is sufficient.

CHILD. Kneel down onto the back of your heels and simply fold your upper body onto your thighs. Try to touch your forehead to the floor, with your arms long and extended, palms facing down. For a deeper relaxation, bring your arms back to rest alongside your thighs with your palms facing up. Take five deep breaths in and out through your nose in this position as you focus on why you are doing yoga today. Are you wanting a simple stretch or do you want a more vigorous workout? Everyday your body is different, and so is your energy level. Once you decide how you want to approach the following exercises, it is time to move on. 

CAT/COW. Get on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. With your arms straight and strong, round your spine by tucking your chin into your chest and holding in your stomach. This should be done while exhaling through your nose. Now inhale through your nose and straighten your spine, with your head facing down and your neck loose and relaxed. Repeat this sequence twice before moving on. 

DOWNWARD FACING DOG. From Cat/Cow Pose, tuck your toes behind you and straighten your arms out in front of you as you push back into Downward Facing Dog. While in this pose, try to keep your arms straight as you stretch your shoulders and head downward. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your hands and heels. The focus is to stretch your back fully; hence, you want to work on bringing your heels to the floor without straining your calves or Achilles tendons. Stretch and breathe in and out through your nose for at least three to five deep breaths before slowly and gently lowering your knees to the floor to exit this posture.

CHAIR. Come to a standing position with your feet together. Stand tall and inhale as you raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Exhale and bend your knees, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

WARRIOR II. Start by standing with your feet together. Next, spread your legs wide apart with your feet facing forward. Turn your right foot out so it is at a 90-degree angle with your toes pointing away from your body; to maintain stability and balance, turn your left foot in slightly. Stretch your arms out to your side, keeping them straight with your palms facing the ground. Your arms should be in line with your shoulders. Turn your head and look towards your right hand, focusing on your fingertips. If you have neck problems, avoid turning your head; instead continue to look straight ahead. Bend your right knee and relax your shoulders as you breathe in and out through your nose in this position for around 5-10 seconds. To perform this posture on the other side, simply repeat the steps above, this time turning your left foot out to 90 degrees while bending your left knee and looking towards your left hand.

TREE. Begin by standing up straight, and then slowly shift your weight to your right leg. Bending your left leg, clasp your left ankle with your left hand and place your left foot on the inside of your right thigh, either above or below your knee. Your left knee will extend out to the side. Focus on a point which is not moving in the distance, and slowly bring your hands to prayer position in front of your chest. Take three to five deep breaths in and out through your nose. You can also try to release your hands from prayer position and bring both your arms over your head for a more challenging variation. There are always ways to adapt poses to your current abilities. For instance, if you are unsteady in Tree Pose you can practice this posture with your back against a wall or placing your fingertips on the back of a chair.

COBRA.  To begin, lie on your stomach, and bend your elbows close to your side. Keeping your elbows in this position, gently lift your chest and head up, keeping your legs straight behind you. Those who are very stiff can benefit from practicing Cobra while standing, with their hands placed against a wall.

BOW. Lie on your stomach, like in Cobra, and then bend both of your knees. Grab hold of your ankles and lift your body off the ground. At first it may be difficult to lift the upper thighs away from the floor, but trust in the process. Your body will open up in time with practice. Also, if it is too challenging to grab your ankles, try looping a strap around your ankles and hold onto the ends of the strap instead. This posture stretches out the chest and shoulders and is an excellent exercise for law students who sit hunched over their laptops or desks all day. It is also a great preparation for more challenging backbends.

RECLINING PIGEON. Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Next, cross your right foot over your left knee, with your right knee sticking out to the side and your right foot flexed. Reach behind the hamstring on your left leg and hug it toward your chest. Keep your head flat on the floor by tucking your chin down. Hold this pose from 15 seconds to 2 minutes before switching sides. 

BRIDGE. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Your arms should be at your sides with your palms facing downward. Take a deep inhale through your nose, and on the exhale, lift your pelvis up as high as comfortable. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your shoulders and feet, with your chin pulling into your chest and your head on the floor. Take at least three to five deep breaths in this position, making sure that your stomach is relaxed as you work on lengthening your spine. 

SEATED TWIST. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor alongside your hips. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the ground outside of your left thigh. Turn your torso to the right and take your right hand to the ground behind you, as you take your left arm outside of your right thigh. Inhale deeply to lengthen your spine, and on the exhale twist a little deeper. Breathe in and out through your nose for at least three deep breaths before switching sides.

DO NOTHING. Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides. Rest your hands on the side of your body with your palms up, letting your feet drop open. Close your eyes, letting your breath occur naturally. Allow your body to feel heavy on the ground as you consciously release any tension from every part of your body. Relax your face as you allow peace and silence to take over. This may be the only time in your busy day that you can be alone and completely in the moment with no distractions or worries. Stay in this posture for 2 to 5 minutes to seal in the benefits of the poses you just practiced. To exit Do Nothing Pose, first wiggle your fingers and toes as you roll over and gently press yourself into a comfortable seated position.

International Kids' Yoga Day

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