Kids’ Yoga Resources
Medical studies prove the many health benefits of yoga, not only for adults, but also for children, such as lowering blood pressure, helping with anxiety and depression, improving sleep, and controlling diabetes. Many kids’ yoga resources show that these science-supported health benefits of yoga are especially important, as children are under siege by obesity, stress and diabetes that stem from poor diet and lack of exercise.
In today’s modern technological world, children and families are overstimulated as they strive to keep up with the fast-paced demands of our society. They need a wholesome outlet to balance their lives, and yoga is the ideal way to naturally unwind and get physical activity at the same time.
The earlier kids start yoga, the better chance they have of preventing long term health problems. In addition, there are emerging studies that show how yoga for kids can help with childhood challenges such as autism, ADHD, and physical disabilities. Kids’ Yoga Day is paving the way to fund additional research on the myriad of benefits of yoga for children.
Facts and Figures
Yoga works both the mind and body, by combining strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and relaxation. It has been shown to help prevent many conditions and challenges facing our youth and their families, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and stress.


High Blood Pressure



- 44% of Americans feel more stress than they did 5 years ago
- work stress causes 10% of strokes
- 3 out of 4 doctors visits are related to stress

Yoga as a Tool
Additional Resources
- Yoga Therapy and Autism Spectrum Children – NIH
- Yoga and Childhood ADHD- NIH
- Benefits from Teaching Yoga at Schools – NIH
- Medical Yoga Therapy – Children – MDPI
- Mind-Body Therapies in Children and Youth – American Academy of Pediatrics
- Systematic Review of Yoga Interventions for Anxiety Reduction Among Children and Adolescents – American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- School-based Yoga Programs in the United States: A Survey
- Implementing yoga within the school curriculum – Journal of Children’s Services
- Masters In Health Administration Guides - Master Your Health with Yoga
- Yoga in school settings: a research review – New York Academy of Sciences
- Use of movement therapies and relaxation techniques and management of health conditions among children.
- Yoga for children and young people’s mental health and well-being: research review and reflections on the mental health potentials of yoga
- Clinical Applications of Yoga for the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review – NIH
- Yoga in school settings: a research review – New York Academy of Sciences
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